domingo, 24 de julio de 2016


jueves, 21 de julio de 2016


jueves, 14 de julio de 2016

Es hora de ganar dinero con tus links Guide: How To Make Money with Adfly

Guide: How To Make Money with Adfly

There are not so many Adsense Alternative’s specially for Pakistani bloggers and webmasters. If Google has disabled your Adsense account than the best option I recommend for you is Adfly Bot. This is a fact that you need a blog or website with heavy traffic in order to earn money on internet but this program let you earn money with and without websites. The best part is that it supports both PayPal and Payza which is good for Pakistani bloggers. It is also a advertising company and displays ads when some one visits your refer link. This is very unique that you don’t need a blog or website in order to signup. Just signup free on via link given at the end of this post and start earning money by sharing your refer link. You can earn money from it via 4 different ways.
1. Via your Blog or Website.
2. Via Facebook.
3. Via Email Marketing.
4. Via Youtube Videos.
After signup if you have a website than you can add java script code into header portion of your website so that every visitor must see ad from adfly or you get your refer link which you can send it to your friends with some popular website with it. Let me explain you first, If you like my website and want to share it with your friends then add your refer link with my website like this.
You can clearly see that before my website address is my Adfly refer code. When ever some one visit this link he or she will face an ad by for 5 seconds and after that he or she will redirect to my website. All this process takes 5 seconds and you earn your commission. Payout is just 5 dollars.
Commission is totally depended on traffic quality means if a visitor is form USA you will earn more rather than if a visitor is from India or Pakistan. You can also earn money from Adfly referral program which means that if your friend signup via your link you get 20% commission for life time of what they earn.

sábado, 9 de julio de 2016

Viaje al Centro de la Tierra 2: La isla misteriosa (2012)

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miércoles, 6 de julio de 2016

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